Directory For a Sex Photos : Domenico Gnoli (Italian, 1933-1970), Due Dormienti (Two Sleepers), 1966. Acrylic and sand on canvas, 98 x 127 cm. Fondazione Orsi“Domenico Gnoli’s last and celebrated New York show debuted in 1969 at the influential Sidney Janis Gallery.  A year

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» Domenico Gnoli (Italian, 1933-1970), Due Dormienti (Two Sleepers), 1966. Acrylic and sand on canvas, 98 x 127 cm. Fondazione Orsi“Domenico Gnoli’s last and celebrated New York show debuted in 1969 at the influential Sidney Janis Gallery.  A year

Domenico Gnoli (Italian, 1933-1970), Due Dormienti (Two Sleepers), 1966. Acrylic


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